Sleeping Beauty (Dunn)                 Sleeping Beauty          (rather sloppy) monogram monogram

The Sleeping Beauty: A Modern version, by Martha Baker Dunn

                L. C. Page and Co.,  1898   (this copy, 4th impression, 1906)

One of two titles by Dunn known to have Sacker cover designs. It also exists in red with a gray and silver design. As a part of the "Cosy Corner" series, it also contains Amy's headpiece designs for the "Contents" and "Illustrations" pages. I have recently learned (12/15/2011) that this title also exists as part of the Goldenrod Library, with the cover matching the title-page design [see below].


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                                            Sleeping Beauty Goldenrod Library                   monogram monogram

This version contains both the title-page design and the headpieces mentioned above!

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Amy Sacker by Mark Schumacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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