DJ              Alcott

Jo's Boys, by Louisa May Alcott

       Little, Brown,  1903  

Part of a series of at least sixteen covers that Sacker did for Alcott works about this time.The dust jacket retains the spine design, but only a portion of the cover image, and lacks Amy's monogram. This title also exists in tan, with a brown and dark green design [see below] and an unsigned "partial" dust jacket showing just the two men and the lettering, but listing the illustrator! This title, along with several others, was also published in England by Sampson Low.


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Jo's Boys TAN

My thanks to Shelley and Son Books (Hendersonville, NC) for this scarce image.

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Amy Sacker by Mark Schumacher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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